some updating work done

In the past month,I finally resolve the site blockage problem by purchasing a dedicate IP. I just didn’t think it over. Building a satisfing website that I like has become a part of life and I didn’t want give it up like this.

As you’ve seen,a new set of photo has been upload over there. More pictures will be added this week. And I’m going to post some info about those famous models and AV of today in this blog in the future.

And the last thing I want tell is,I will move to a new city in the recent month and I have to spend more time on my work in order to earn myself and my family. umm,actually this is a great change for me because I am nearly in a unemployed status for two years already. So maybe I couldn’t updating my site in the following few months and I am sorry about that.

Nice day~bright tomorrow!

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